(gekko cli mode trading)
how to display remote ssh gekko trading
thank you
(gekko cli mode trading)
how to display remote ssh gekko trading
thank you
how to display remote ssh gekko trading
(gekko cli mode trading) how to display remote ssh gekko trading thank you
04-11-2018, 05:06 PM
Use screen for stayalive gekko. Without this on every disconnect with ssh your gekko is turned off.
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thank you
I use a remote server how can i get the image the shell is working on the screen how can I see how to trade (what is stay alive) ---------------------------- When ssh disconnects, gekko stops ![]() Yes Gekko stop
04-11-2018, 07:07 PM
tail -f /gekko/logs/2018-04-11-13-59-UTC-watcher.log
or tail -f /gekko/logs/2018-04-11-13-59-UTC-tradebot.log the only way i can see gekko live from terminal.. (: i start gekko in screen .. terminal from my MacBook to look after any changes. ![]()
04-14-2018, 01:59 PM
Run gekko through pm2, problem solved
04-14-2018, 03:46 PM
(04-11-2018, 07:07 PM)Mulder Wrote: tail -f /gekko/logs/2018-04-11-13-59-UTC-watcher.log 1. You can start screen by command 'screen'. 2. Start Gekko 'node gekko -c config.js' 3. Close ssh client and after reconnect detach screen with command 'screen -d -r'. All is back on the place without keeping logs.
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Thank you
@ xFFFFF thank you for your help screen Working works properly with screen command ------------------------------ I use ( tmux ) I got errors and gekko is cut https://forum.gekko.wizb.it/thread-56758.html Could it have done tmux ---------------------------------------------------------- https://gekkoplus.com/ |