I am really bad at programming (and in english
I have already create strategies based on existing examples with modify them for use on binance.
But now I need your help for start
I would like to create a basic and really simple strategy to automate some trades.
the principle is very simple, when a BUY ORDER place to X sathoshi, it is necessary to place a purchase SELL ORDER to X+1 satochi, and the opposite, if a SELL ORDER takes place to X sathoshi, it is necessary to place a BUY ORDER to X-1 sathoshi,
ex: I have a buy order at 25 sat which is filled so a sell order at 26 sat is automatically placed.
Thank you to those who will help me out.
(I suppose it's really simple for a good developer but I'm willing to give a small reward for the time spent helping me out. )
I am really bad at programming (and in english

I have already create strategies based on existing examples with modify them for use on binance.
But now I need your help for start

I would like to create a basic and really simple strategy to automate some trades.
the principle is very simple, when a BUY ORDER place to X sathoshi, it is necessary to place a purchase SELL ORDER to X+1 satochi, and the opposite, if a SELL ORDER takes place to X sathoshi, it is necessary to place a BUY ORDER to X-1 sathoshi,
ex: I have a buy order at 25 sat which is filled so a sell order at 26 sat is automatically placed.
Thank you to those who will help me out.
(I suppose it's really simple for a good developer but I'm willing to give a small reward for the time spent helping me out. )