10-04-2018, 05:08 AM
Hi everybody!
Maybe this is a dummy question, but I'm not enough pro to understand some topics yet...
Please tell me if I'm wrong:
suppose that i want to perform a backtest from 1-1-2018 to 30-1-2018 with 1Day candles using a 60 SMA and let's suppose that i've already downloaded the mentioned time window previously. What does the CLI do? In my mind the CLI takes the already downloaded data (from 1st to 30th of Jan in this case) and downloads on itself 30 days more (in this case from 2nd to 31st of Dec 2017), because it needs a warmup to calculate the SMA. Then it stitches those 2 downloads as one big time window from 2-12-2017 to 30-1-2018. Is that correct?
Then: I saw some vids on youtube and read some threds on here... sometimes I see someone that says that also UI doesn't need any warmup and sometimes i see someone saying the contrary... which is the truth?? If UI doesn't need a warmup, why does it ask you to input this value?

PS: a big thanks to mike for this awesome work. Never seen such a good trading bot for crypto.