I found this solution at Gekkos Issues. It bounce last bid/ask price down/up by 0,04% while making order at Binance. Its cheaper solution than market order type. Im lame in Gekkos functions and overall javascript, so it propablly bounce price two times.
Only lines 215-216, 223-224, 292 and 300 was changed. This same way You can implement fix on all exchanges.
You must add one line to Trader.prototype.buy and Trader.prototype.sell in bitfinex.js
It plus 0,4% of price to ask/bid price on making order to exchange. So incrase/decrase price a bit. Full changed file:
My subjective feelings are that it speeds up filling orders a bit. The more value you put in place .004 the faster theoretically it should be order filled. Im using tickrate 2 sec and orderdelay 15 sec. If someone will compare the method with the traditional one in live mode, please let me know.
This idea can be used to delevop a more intelligent solution that would raise the price until the order is filled. I would be grateful if someone did it
const moment = require('moment');
const _ = require('lodash');
const util = require('../core/util');
const Errors = require('../core/error');
const log = require('../core/log');
const marketData = require('./binance-markets.json');
const Binance = require('binance');
var Trader = function(config) {
if (_.isObject(config)) {
this.key = config.key;
this.secret = config.secret;
this.currency = config.currency.toUpperCase();
this.asset = config.asset.toUpperCase();
this.pair = this.asset + this.currency;
this.name = 'binance';
this.market = _.find(Trader.getCapabilities().markets, (market) => {
return market.pair[0] === this.currency && market.pair[1] === this.asset
this.binance = new Binance.BinanceRest({
key: this.key,
secret: this.secret,
timeout: 15000,
recvWindow: 60000, // suggested by binance
disableBeautification: false,
handleDrift: true,
var retryCritical = {
retries: 10,
factor: 1.2,
minTimeout: 1 * 1000,
maxTimeout: 30 * 1000
var retryForever = {
forever: false,
factor: 1.2,
minTimeout: 10 * 1000,
maxTimeout: 30 * 1000
var recoverableErrors = new RegExp(/(SOCKETTIMEDOUT|TIMEDOUT|CONNRESET|CONNREFUSED|NOTFOUND|Error -1021|Response code 429|Response code 5)/);
Trader.prototype.processError = function(funcName, error) {
if (!error) return undefined;
if (!error.message || !error.message.match(recoverableErrors)) {
log.error(`[binance.js] (${funcName}) returned an irrecoverable error: ${error}`);
return new Errors.AbortError('[binance.js] ' + error.message || error);
log.debug(`[binance.js] (${funcName}) returned an error, retrying: ${error}`);
return new Errors.RetryError('[binance.js] ' + error.message || error);
Trader.prototype.handleResponse = function(funcName, callback) {
return (error, body) => {
if (body && !_.isEmpty(body.code)) {
error = new Error(`Error ${body.code}: ${body.msg}`);
return callback(this.processError(funcName, error), body);
Trader.prototype.getTrades = function(since, callback, descending) {
var processResults = function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var parsedTrades = [];
function(trade) {
tid: trade.aggTradeId,
date: moment(trade.timestamp).unix(),
price: parseFloat(trade.price),
amount: parseFloat(trade.quantity),
if (descending) callback(null, parsedTrades.reverse());
else callback(undefined, parsedTrades);
var reqData = {
symbol: this.pair,
if (since) {
var endTs = moment(since)
.add(1, 'h')
var nowTs = moment().valueOf();
reqData.startTime = moment(since).valueOf();
reqData.endTime = endTs > nowTs ? nowTs : endTs;
let handler = (cb) => this.binance.aggTrades(reqData, this.handleResponse('getTrades', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryForever, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(processResults, this));
Trader.prototype.getPortfolio = function(callback) {
var setBalance = function(err, data) {
log.debug(`[binance.js] entering "setBalance" callback after api call, err: ${err} data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)
if (err) return callback(err);
var findAsset = function(item) {
return item.asset === this.asset;
var assetAmount = parseFloat(_.find(data.balances, _.bind(findAsset, this)).free);
var findCurrency = function(item) {
return item.asset === this.currency;
var currencyAmount = parseFloat(_.find(data.balances, _.bind(findCurrency, this)).free);
if (!_.isNumber(assetAmount) || _.isNaN(assetAmount)) {
`Binance did not return portfolio for ${this.asset}, assuming 0.`
assetAmount = 0;
if (!_.isNumber(currencyAmount) || _.isNaN(currencyAmount)) {
`Binance did not return portfolio for ${this.currency}, assuming 0.`
currencyAmount = 0;
var portfolio = [
{ name: this.asset, amount: assetAmount },
{ name: this.currency, amount: currencyAmount },
return callback(undefined, portfolio);
let handler = (cb) => this.binance.account({}, this.handleResponse('getPortfolio', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryForever, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(setBalance, this));
// This uses the base maker fee (0.1%), and does not account for BNB discounts
Trader.prototype.getFee = function(callback) {
var makerFee = 0.05;
callback(undefined, makerFee / 100);
Trader.prototype.getTicker = function(callback) {
var setTicker = function(err, data) {
log.debug(`[binance.js] entering "getTicker" callback after api call, err: ${err} data: ${(data || []).length} symbols`);
if (err) return callback(err);
var findSymbol = function(ticker) {
return ticker.symbol === this.pair;
var result = _.find(data, _.bind(findSymbol, this));
var ticker = {
ask: parseFloat(result.askPrice),
bid: parseFloat(result.bidPrice),
callback(undefined, ticker);
let handler = (cb) => this.binance._makeRequest({}, this.handleResponse('getTicker', cb), 'api/v1/ticker/allBookTickers');
util.retryCustom(retryForever, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(setTicker, this));
// Effectively counts the number of decimal places, so 0.001 or 0.234 results in 3
Trader.prototype.getPrecision = function(tickSize) {
if (!isFinite(tickSize)) return 0;
var e = 1, p = 0;
while (Math.round(tickSize * e) / e !== tickSize) { e *= 10; p++; }
return p;
Trader.prototype.roundAmount = function(amount, tickSize) {
var precision = 100000000;
var t = this.getPrecision(tickSize);
precision = Math.pow(10, t);
amount *= precision;
amount = Math.floor(amount);
amount /= precision;
return amount;
Trader.prototype.getLotSize = function(tradeType, amount, price, callback) {
amount = this.roundAmount(amount, this.market.minimalOrder.amount);
if (amount < this.market.minimalOrder.amount)
return callback(undefined, { amount: 0, price: 0 });
price = this.roundAmount(price, this.market.minimalOrder.price)
price += (tradeType === 'buy') ? (price * .004) : -(price * .004);
price = Math.max(this.roundAmount(price, 0.00001), 0.00001);
if (price < this.market.minimalOrder.price)
return callback(undefined, { amount: 0, price: 0 });
if (amount * price < this.market.minimalOrder.order)
return callback(undefined, { amount: 0, price: 0});
callback(undefined, { amount: amount, price: price });
Trader.prototype.addOrder = function(tradeType, amount, price, callback) {
log.debug(`[binance.js] (addOrder) ${tradeType.toUpperCase()} ${amount} ${this.asset} @${price} ${this.currency}`);
price += (tradeType === 'buy') ? (price * .004) : -(price * .004);
price = Math.max(this.roundAmount(price, 0.00001), 0.00001);
var setOrder = function(err, data) {
log.debug(`[binance.js] entering "setOrder" callback after api call, err: ${err} data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
if (err) return callback(err);
var txid = data.orderId;
log.debug(`[binance.js] added order with txid: ${txid}`);
callback(undefined, txid);
let reqData = {
symbol: this.pair,
side: tradeType.toUpperCase(),
type: 'LIMIT',
timeInForce: 'GTC', // Good to cancel (I think, not really covered in docs, but is default)
quantity: amount,
price: price,
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
let handler = (cb) => this.binance.newOrder(reqData, this.handleResponse('addOrder', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryCritical, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(setOrder, this));
Trader.prototype.getOrder = function(order, callback) {
var get = function(err, data) {
log.debug(`[binance.js] entering "getOrder" callback after api call, err ${err} data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
if (err) return callback(err);
var price = parseFloat(data.price);
var amount = parseFloat(data.executedQty);
// Data.time is a 13 digit millisecon unix time stamp.
// https://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/unix-timestamp-milliseconds/
var date = moment(data.time);
callback(undefined, { price, amount, date });
let reqData = {
symbol: this.pair,
orderId: order,
let handler = (cb) => this.binance.queryOrder(reqData, this.handleResponse('getOrder', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryCritical, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(get, this));
Trader.prototype.buy = function(amount, price, callback) {
this.addOrder('buy', amount, price, callback);
price += price * .004;
Trader.prototype.sell = function(amount, price, callback) {
this.addOrder('sell', amount, price, callback);
price += - price * .004;
Trader.prototype.checkOrder = function(order, callback) {
var check = function(err, data) {
log.debug(`[binance.js] entering "checkOrder" callback after api call, err ${err} data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
if (err) return callback(err);
var stillThere = data.status === 'NEW' || data.status === 'PARTIALLY_FILLED';
var canceledManually = data.status === 'CANCELED' || data.status === 'REJECTED' || data.status === 'EXPIRED';
callback(undefined, !stillThere && !canceledManually);
let reqData = {
symbol: this.pair,
orderId: order,
let handler = (cb) => this.binance.queryOrder(reqData, this.handleResponse('checkOrder', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryCritical, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(check, this));
Trader.prototype.cancelOrder = function(order, callback) {
// callback for cancelOrder should be true if the order was already filled, otherwise false
var cancel = function(err, data) {
log.debug(`[binance.js] entering "cancelOrder" callback after api call, err ${err} data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
if (err) {
if(data && data.msg === 'UNKNOWN_ORDER') { // this seems to be the response we get when an order was filled
return callback(true); // tell the thing the order was already filled
return callback(err);
let reqData = {
symbol: this.pair,
orderId: order,
let handler = (cb) => this.binance.cancelOrder(reqData, this.handleResponse('cancelOrder', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryForever, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(cancel, this));
Trader.prototype.initMarkets = function(callback) {
Trader.getCapabilities = function() {
return {
name: 'Binance',
slug: 'binance',
currencies: marketData.currencies,
assets: marketData.assets,
markets: marketData.markets,
requires: ['key', 'secret'],
providesHistory: 'date',
providesFullHistory: true,
tid: 'tid',
tradable: true,
module.exports = Trader;
You must add one line to Trader.prototype.buy and Trader.prototype.sell in bitfinex.js
Trader.prototype.buy = function(amount, price, callback) {
this.submit_order('buy', amount, price, callback);
price += price * .004;
Trader.prototype.sell = function(amount, price, callback) {
this.submit_order('sell', amount, price, callback);
price += - price * .004;
It plus 0,4% of price to ask/bid price on making order to exchange. So incrase/decrase price a bit. Full changed file:
const Bitfinex = require("bitfinex-api-node");
const _ = require('lodash');
const moment = require('moment');
const util = require('../core/util');
const Errors = require('../core/error');
const log = require('../core/log');
const marketData = require('./bitfinex-markets.json');
var Trader = function(config) {
if(_.isObject(config)) {
this.key = config.key;
this.secret = config.secret;
this.name = 'Bitfinex';
this.asset = config.asset;
this.currency = config.currency;
this.pair = this.asset + this.currency;
this.bitfinex = new Bitfinex(this.key, this.secret, { version: 1 }).rest;
var retryCritical = {
retries: 10,
factor: 1.2,
minTimeout: 10 * 1000,
maxTimeout: 60 * 1000
var retryForever = {
forever: true,
factor: 1.2,
minTimeout: 10 * 1000,
maxTimeout: 300 * 1000
// Probably we need to update these string
var recoverableErrors = new RegExp(/(SOCKETTIMEDOUT|TIMEDOUT|CONNRESET|CONNREFUSED|NOTFOUND|429|443|5\d\d)/g);
Trader.prototype.processError = function(funcName, error) {
if (!error) return undefined;
if (!error.message.match(recoverableErrors)) {
log.error(`[bitfinex.js] (${funcName}) returned an irrecoverable error: ${error.message}`);
return new Errors.AbortError('[bitfinex.js] ' + error.message);
log.debug(`[bitfinex.js] (${funcName}) returned an error, retrying: ${error.message}`);
return new Errors.RetryError('[bitfinex.js] ' + error.message);
Trader.prototype.handleResponse = function(funcName, callback) {
return (error, data, body) => {
return callback(this.processError(funcName, error), data);
Trader.prototype.getPortfolio = function(callback) {
let process = (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
// We are only interested in funds in the "exchange" wallet
data = data.filter(c => c.type === 'exchange');
const asset = _.find(data, c => c.currency.toUpperCase() === this.asset);
const currency = _.find(data, c => c.currency.toUpperCase() === this.currency);
let assetAmount, currencyAmount;
if(_.isObject(asset) && _.isNumber(+asset.available) && !_.isNaN(+asset.available))
assetAmount = +asset.available;
else {
log.error(`Bitfinex did not provide ${this.asset} amount, assuming 0`);
assetAmount = 0;
if(_.isObject(currency) && _.isNumber(+currency.available) && !_.isNaN(+currency.available))
currencyAmount = +currency.available;
else {
log.error(`Bitfinex did not provide ${this.currency} amount, assuming 0`);
currencyAmount = 0;
const portfolio = [
{ name: this.asset, amount: assetAmount },
{ name: this.currency, amount: currencyAmount },
callback(undefined, portfolio);
let handler = (cb) => this.bitfinex.wallet_balances(this.handleResponse('getPortfolio', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryForever, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(process, this));
Trader.prototype.getTicker = function(callback) {
let process = (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
// whenever we reach this point we have valid
// data, the callback is still the same since
// we are inside the same javascript scope.
callback(undefined, {bid: +data.bid, ask: +data.ask})
let handler = (cb) => this.bitfinex.ticker(this.pair, this.handleResponse('getTicker', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryForever, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(process, this));
// This assumes that only limit orders are being placed, so fees are the
// "maker fee" of 0.1%. It does not take into account volume discounts.
Trader.prototype.getFee = function(callback) {
var makerFee = 0.1;
callback(undefined, makerFee / 100);
Trader.prototype.submit_order = function(type, amount, price, callback) {
let process = (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(err, data.order_id);
amount = Math.floor(amount*100000000)/100000000;
let handler = (cb) => this.bitfinex.new_order(this.pair,
amount + '',
price + '',
'exchange limit',
this.handleResponse('submitOrder', cb)
util.retryCustom(retryCritical, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(process, this));
Trader.prototype.buy = function(amount, price, callback) {
this.submit_order('buy', amount, price, callback);
price += price * .004;
Trader.prototype.sell = function(amount, price, callback) {
this.submit_order('sell', amount, price, callback);
price += - price * .004;
Trader.prototype.checkOrder = function(order_id, callback) {
let process = (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(undefined, !data.is_live);
let handler = (cb) => this.bitfinex.order_status(order_id, this.handleResponse('checkOrder', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryCritical, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(process, this));
Trader.prototype.getOrder = function(order_id, callback) {
let process = (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
var price = parseFloat(data.avg_execution_price);
var amount = parseFloat(data.executed_amount);
var date = moment.unix(data.timestamp);
callback(undefined, {price, amount, date});
let handler = (cb) => this.bitfinex.order_status(order_id, this.handleResponse('getOrder', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryCritical, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(process, this));
Trader.prototype.cancelOrder = function(order_id, callback) {
let process = (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
return callback(undefined);
let handler = (cb) => this.bitfinex.cancel_order(order_id, this.handleResponse('cancelOrder', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryForever, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(process, this));
Trader.prototype.getTrades = function(since, callback, descending) {
let process = (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
var trades = _.map(data, function(trade) {
return {
tid: trade.tid,
date: trade.timestamp,
price: +trade.price,
amount: +trade.amount
callback(undefined, descending ? trades : trades.reverse());
var path = this.pair;
path += '?limit_trades=2000';
let handler = (cb) => this.bitfinex.trades(path, this.handleResponse('getTrades', cb));
util.retryCustom(retryForever, _.bind(handler, this), _.bind(process, this));
Trader.getCapabilities = function () {
return {
name: 'Bitfinex',
slug: 'bitfinex',
currencies: marketData.currencies,
assets: marketData.assets,
markets: marketData.markets,
requires: ['key', 'secret'],
tid: 'tid',
providesFullHistory: true,
providesHistory: 'date',
tradable: true,
forceReorderDelay: true
module.exports = Trader;
My subjective feelings are that it speeds up filling orders a bit. The more value you put in place .004 the faster theoretically it should be order filled. Im using tickrate 2 sec and orderdelay 15 sec. If someone will compare the method with the traditional one in live mode, please let me know.
This idea can be used to delevop a more intelligent solution that would raise the price until the order is filled. I would be grateful if someone did it