Complete Gekko's datasets - ready files to download and use
Not really with one command though since your example would download a single file (binance-bnb) and not really *ALL* files. Smile
I can see why a split would make sense though. For me it's more about the core USD/USDT pairs though so just having all these (and all the exchanges without dupe pairs) in 1x file would be a lot easier and less cumbersome for *me*. Do note that with "all" i do not mean e.g. Binance, i mean all exchanges and all pairs except duplicate pairs.
ankasem I merged exchange files. Now You can download all possible pairs from exchange in one db file. But only from last 7, 14, 30 or 60 days. The merged full history would be too big to use in Gekko's UI.

New link to Google Drive was added to README:
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Thumbs Up 
thank you so much
Is it work fine? Havent problems with performance on scan in UI?
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(04-06-2018, 08:33 PM)tommiehansen Wrote: Great,

You could use my CLI-tools (or copy them) to upload and users could use the download part of it to easily download the data (and then simply update this via git pull and thus very easily pull your last data by just doing git pull & .

One of the benefits is that it's creates a single tar.gz archive and automatically uploads this to + updates a simple txt-file with link to latest upload. The limit on is 10 GB/file but the compressed files usually take up 30-40% of the original so should be good for at least 20 GB of data (if not one could easily split this to multiple archives).

1. $ git clone
2. Goto dir cli within the gekko_tools folder
3. copy-paste the config file;
$ cp
4. edit the file and set your Gekko directory if it differs (it defaults to being two levels under the cli directory so ../../gekko/)
5. run
$ .

Can you explain me how it works? From where I have to upload the tar.gz?
Hi, how to use Gekko-Datasets?

Where should i copy the Gekko-Datasets-master folder and where i downloaded Google Drive? What else should i do?

1. Unzip file - unzip /home/f/Downloads/
2. Create history folder in main gekko folder - mkdir /home/f/gekko/history
3. Copy binance_0.1.db from unzipped file to history folder. - cp binance_0.1.db /home/gekko/f/gekko/history
5. Restart Gekko UI
My projects [Strategies] [Datasets]
(04-17-2018, 03:34 PM)xFFFFF Wrote: 1. Unzip file - unzip /home/f/Downloads/
2. Create history folder in main gekko folder - mkdir /home/f/gekko/history
3. Copy binance_0.1.db from unzipped file to history folder. - cp binance_0.1.db /home/gekko/f/gekko/history
5. Restart Gekko UI

Keeping binance_0.1.db, binance_0.2db, binance_0.3.db,etc for difference pairs will work? Or all the pairs would have to be merged into one file? Can I only choose few pairs rather then all the pairs for that currency?
Quote:Keeping binance_0.1.db, binance_0.2db, binance_0.3.db,etc for difference pairs will work?
No by default. You can change it in config/adapters/sqlite.toml and restart Gekko to switch database. But You must do it on every switch.
I have idea: try change names to binance1_0.1.db binance2_.0.1.db etc and restart Gekko UI. Should appear two exchanges binance1 and binance2. Let me know do it work.
Quote:Or all the pairs would have to be merged into one file?
My solution dont provide choosing pairs. But I upload datasets in two differents options:
1. Datasets with full history contain only one currency and all posible assets for this currency
2. Datasets from last 60,30,14,7 days contain all currencies and assets for exchange.
Quote:Can I only choose few pairs rather then all the pairs for that currency?

No at this moment. Im working on it. You can export interesing pairs to new database by some sqlite frontend app or sqlite3 command line tool.
My projects [Strategies] [Datasets]
Is there any dependencies on using this data in docker? Do I need to install the backtest tool? I attempted to create the history folder and restart but after a rescan the dataset is not visible... thnx

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