Improved profit and loss reporting
The PnL reporting in Gekko is based on 'round trips'. This is nice because it keeps things simple, but is also limiting Gekko's capabilities. To enable more advanced strategies in Gekko that can trade parts of the balance, a more flexible PnL reporting is needed.

This thread is to continue the discussion of the suggested proposal here.

As an example of this implementation, a stand alone cli-application is available here.

What  do we want PnL reporting in Gekko to look like in the future? Please share your views here, what is the best way forward?

Messages In This Thread
Improved profit and loss reporting - by Hilko - 04-08-2018, 09:02 AM
RE: Improved profit and loss reporting - by Hilko - 05-19-2018, 05:45 PM
RE: Improved profit and loss reporting - by Hilko - 05-20-2018, 08:57 PM

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