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Amansaini0101 is Offline
Last Visit:
05-26-2021, 06:26 AM
Time Spent Online:
9 Minutes, 52 Seconds
05-06-1996 (28 years old)
05-06-1996 (28 years old)
Hi, I am Aman Saini, full-time content writer by day, a dreamer, poet and blogger by night, I am an English Literature and Media student. A Delhi native, I have an affinity for poetry, music, literature, art, and the world in general. I have a knack for writing and learning, which makes me keen to gather all the information out there and put everything I see into a piece of writing. I am a strongly opinionated, ambitious and creative individual, trying to create value and make a difference with even a little I can do.
Hi, I am Aman Saini, full-time content writer by day, a dreamer, poet and blogger by night, I am an English Literature and Media student. A Delhi native, I have an affinity for poetry, music, literature, art, and the world in general. I have a knack for writing and learning, which makes me keen to gather all the information out there and put everything I see into a piece of writing. I am a strongly opinionated, ambitious and creative individual, trying to create value and make a difference with even a little I can do.
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