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12-12-2024, 10:50 AM
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04-12-1991 (33 years old)
04-12-1991 (33 years old)
Becket House 1 Lambeth Palace Road London, SE1 7EU
Becket House 1 Lambeth Palace Road London, SE1 7EU
When someone close to your heart passes away, the sorrow can be overwhelming. Finding the perfect final memorial for them can be a deep and abiding comfort. A resting place that speaks to their personality – and the bond you shared with them – is priceless.
Here at Urns UK, we’ve spent more than a decade helping families like yours find the right memorial for their loved ones. We work with talented artists and craftspeople from all over the world to find urns, ash caskets, cremation jewellery and keepsakes that are as beautiful and unique as those who rest within them.
When someone close to your heart passes away, the sorrow can be overwhelming. Finding the perfect final memorial for them can be a deep and abiding comfort. A resting place that speaks to their personality – and the bond you shared with them – is priceless.
Here at Urns UK, we’ve spent more than a decade helping families like yours find the right memorial for their loved ones. We work with talented artists and craftspeople from all over the world to find urns, ash caskets, cremation jewellery and keepsakes that are as beautiful and unique as those who rest within them.
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