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02-03-2000 (25 years old)
02-03-2000 (25 years old)
Online Quran Tafseer Course
For a deeper understanding of the Quran’s message, the Online Quran Tafseer Course provides detailed explanations and interpretations of Quranic verses. This course is perfect for those who wish to explore the historical, spiritual, and practical aspects of the Quran in a more profound way. With qualified scholars leading the sessions, students are guided through Tafseer (interpretation) that sheds light on the context and significance of the Quranic verses.
Online Quran Tafseer Course
For a deeper understanding of the Quran’s message, the Online Quran Tafseer Course provides detailed explanations and interpretations of Quranic verses. This course is perfect for those who wish to explore the historical, spiritual, and practical aspects of the Quran in a more profound way. With qualified scholars leading the sessions, students are guided through Tafseer (interpretation) that sheds light on the context and significance of the Quranic verses.
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Online Quran Tafseer Course