Hey SQLite was not working for me, the bot crashes everytime I try to use it with tradebot...works great with everything else ...getting child errors etc...So I want to try postgresql but I’m not familiar with it...I downloaded the newest postgresql and have the server running...edited the uiconfig and base config but still not luck...this is on windows 10 running gekko in UI mode..any ideas? From what I’ve read SQLite is too weak to handle tradebot so therefore I wanna try postgresql
c:\Users\Plat\Downloads\gekko-stable\gekko-stable>node gekko --ui
______ ________ __ __ __ __ ______
/ \ / |/ | / |/ | / | / \
/$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ | /$$/ $$ | /$$/ /$$$$$$ |
$$ | _$$/ $$ |__ $$ |/$$/ $$ |/$$/ $$ | $$ |
$$ |/ |$$ | $$ $$< $$ $$< $$ | $$ |
$$ |$$$$ |$$$$$/ $$$$$ \ $$$$$ \ $$ | $$ |
$$ \__$$ |$$ |_____ $$ |$$ \ $$ |$$ \ $$ \__$$ |
$$ $$/ $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ $$/
$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$$/ $$/ $$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$/
Gekko v0.5.11
I'm gonna make you rich, Bud Fox.
Serving Gekko UI on http://localhost:3000/
<-- GET /api/imports
--> GET /api/imports 200 17ms 2b
<-- GET /api/gekkos
--> GET /api/gekkos 200 4ms 2b
<-- GET /api/gekkos
--> GET /api/gekkos 200 4ms 2b
<-- GET /api/apiKeys
--> GET /api/apiKeys 200 3ms 10b
<-- GET /api/exchanges
--> GET /api/exchanges 200 8,848ms 64.46kb
<-- POST /api/import
Import 696685438790157 started
--> POST /api/import 200 794ms 150b
Gekko encountered an error and can't continue
Gekko encountered an error and can't continue
{ name: 'error',
length: 102,
severity: 'FATAL',
code: '3D000',
file: 'postinit.c',
line: '846',
routine: 'InitPostgres' }
Meta debug info:
Gekko version: v0.5.11
Nodejs version: v8.9.3