06-27-2018, 05:22 PM
Hey all,
I've really been enjoying Gekko lately and thought I would share a PSAR Indicator/Strat I wrote.
PSAR, by itself, is an awful strategy - particularly in consolidating markets. The included strategy is provided more as an example, and simply buys and sells on trend reversals. That said, PSAR is a great way to set dynamic stop-losses (as opposed to static values or percentage-based trailing stop-losses).
While I didn't specifically port the Tulip code, I did verify my indicator generates the same results. I also heavily commented the indicator so newer users can try to figure out what its doing. If you can improve my code, let me know!
I've really been enjoying Gekko lately and thought I would share a PSAR Indicator/Strat I wrote.
PSAR, by itself, is an awful strategy - particularly in consolidating markets. The included strategy is provided more as an example, and simply buys and sells on trend reversals. That said, PSAR is a great way to set dynamic stop-losses (as opposed to static values or percentage-based trailing stop-losses).
While I didn't specifically port the Tulip code, I did verify my indicator generates the same results. I also heavily commented the indicator so newer users can try to figure out what its doing. If you can improve my code, let me know!
acceleration = 0.02
maximum = 0.2
persistence = 2
// PSAR strat
// PT 06/26/18
// let's create our own method
var method = {};
// prepare everything our method needs
method.init = function() {
this.name = 'PSAR';
this.inTrade = false;
this.requiredHistory = 100;
// define the indicators we need
this.addIndicator('psar', 'PSAR', this.settings);
// what happens on every new candle?
method.update = function(candle) {
// nothing!
method.log = function(candle) {
// nothing!
method.check = function() {
var psar = this.indicators.psar;
var trend = psar.trend;
var trendDuration = psar.duration;
// var psarResult = psar.psar;
//Sell Signal
if(trend == "down" && trendDuration >= this.settings.persistence && this.inTrade){
this.inTrade = false;
//Buy Signal
if(trend == "up" && trendDuration >= this.settings.persistence && !this.inTrade){
this.inTrade = true;
module.exports = method;
var Indicator = function(config) {
this.input = 'candle';
this.acceleration = config.acceleration;
this.accelerationStep = config.acceleration;
this.persistence = config.persistence;
this.maximum = config.maximum;
this.psar = null;
this.initPsar = null;
this.psarEpAcc = null;
this.extremePoint = null;
this.trend = null;
this.previousTrend = null;
this.duration = 0;
this.candleHistory = [];
Indicator.prototype.update = function(candle) {
if(this.candleHistory.length >= 3) {
//Define candles
// var candle = this.candleHistory[2];
var previousCandle = this.candleHistory[1];
var prevPreviousCandle = this.candleHistory[0];
//first run
if (this.psar === null) {
this.extremePoint = prevPreviousCandle.low;
this.psar = prevPreviousCandle.high;
this.previousTrend = 'down';
this.psarEpAcc = (this.psar - this.extremePoint) * this.acceleration;
if (this.previousTrend == 'down') {
//calculate initial psar
this.initPsar = Math.max((this.psar - this.psarEpAcc), previousCandle.high, prevPreviousCandle.high);
//calculate PSAR
this.psar = (candle.high < this.initPsar) ? this.initPsar : this.extremePoint;
//increase duration count
if (this.previousTrend == 'up') {
//calculate initial psar
this.initPsar = Math.min((this.psar - this.psarEpAcc), previousCandle.low, prevPreviousCandle.low);
//calculate PSAR
this.psar = (candle.low > this.initPsar) ? this.initPsar : this.extremePoint;
//increase duration count
//Define trend
this.trend = (this.psar > candle.close) ? 'down' : 'up';
if(this.trend == 'down'){
//calculate Extreme point
this.extremePoint = Math.min(this.extremePoint, candle.low);
if(this.trend =='up'){
//calculate Extreme point
this.extremePoint = Math.max(this.extremePoint, candle.high);
//If the trend stays the same and the extreme point doesn't equal the previous extreme point and the acceleration factor is less than the maximum factor...
if (this.trend == this.previousTrend && this.extremePoint != this.previousExtremePoint && this.acceleration <= this.maximum) {
//Increment the acceleration value
this.acceleration += this.accelerationStep;
//If the trend stays the same and the extreme point value stays the same...
if (this.trend == this.previousTrend && this.extremePoint == this.previousExtremePoint) {
//Acceleration stays the same
// If the current trend doesn't equal the previous trend...
if (this.trend != this.previousTrend) {
//Set the acceleration to the initial value
this.acceleration = this.accelerationStep;
//reset duration count
this.duration = 0;
//set values/array for next run
this.previousExtremePoint = this.extremePoint;
this.previousTrend = this.trend;
module.exports = Indicator;