02-16-2018, 04:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2018, 06:25 AM by susitronix.)
RaspberryPi3 Desktop Headless VNC-Viewer Tutorial by philipp wyler
(i recomend buying a highspeed SDHC SDcard that makes raspi boot much faster)
>>>Download Raspbian (faster install than noobs):
//Raspbian Stretch with Desktop ZIP/torrent
>>>Unzip using 7zip (recomended):
//Download freeware
>>>Unzip your .img file using 7zip //goto /user/downloads/
>>>Prepare your SDHC card with SdCardFormatter:
//Download freeware
>>>Lounch SdCardFormatter and format SDHC-card //(((((WARNING))))) SELECT APPROPRIATE DRIVE!!!
>>>burn the Image onto your SDHC using Win32DiskImager:
//Download freeware Win32DiskImager
>>>Lounch Win32DiskImager
>>>>>>>(((((WARNING))))) under device tab your SDHC location MUST BE SELECTED (drive E
>>>>>>>click the small folder icon on top and SELECT YOUR RASPBIAN IMAGEFILE.
>>>>>>>click [WRITE] //wait until finished. Installation of Raspbian is done.
>>>Now we initiate the pi for lan/Wlan ssh connection:
>>>Open NOTEPAD (windows click start, write notepad and press enter to start notepad)
>>>SAVE AS: //click tab [file] [save as] (no text needed)
>>>>>>>Location: //select your RaspberryPi Folder ON THE SDHC
>>>>>>>File name: "ssh" //type: "ssh" WITH quotation mark!
>>>>>>>Save as type: All files >>> click SAVE
(((((WARNING))))) ALWAYS USE "SAVELY REMOVE HARDWARE" from your windows taskbar right side.
>>>Insert SDHC into your RaspberryPi WHILE POWER OFF.
>>>PowerON your RaspberryPi and dont touch for aprox. 2 minutes.
>>>First we search our Network for find out the IP-adress, wich the DNS-server has choosen for for the Pi.
>>>i am using: ios netAnalyzer (neat tool)
//Download freeware
>>>Search for the IP address with name raspberry
>>>for the configuration we use PUTTY CLI-cmd (CLI=comand line interface)
//Download freeware
>>>Lounch PUTTY
>>>Enter your IP in the Field: Host Name (or IP address) //(192,133,1,75=FALSE) (
>>>Click open enters the CLI-cmd
>>>login as:pi //default user name
>>>password:raspberry //default password
// CLI should look like this
>>>time for configuration: type
//with the cursors select: //initiate SDHC size
[7 Advanced Options] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
>>>choose: [Expand Filesystem] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
//with the cursors select: //boot into desktop OS
[3 Boot Options] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
[B1 Desktop / CLI] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
[B4 Desktop Autologin] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
//with the cursors select: //Enable VNC
[5 Interfacing Options] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
[P3 VNC] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
//close the config:
cursor-right/left UNTIL <Finish> is selected-->press enter
Like to REBOOT? select [YES]
>>>close PUTTY CLI-cmd
>>>after reboot open PUTTY CLI-cmd
>>>configure the display options for VNC: //by editing the nano config text file
//use cursor up/down to navigate BELOW #hdmi_mode=1
>>>finish Config press:
[ctrl] + [X] //exit
[Y] = Yes //do you want to save the file
[enter] //File Name to write? //dont rename just hit enter!
//Reboot again
>>>close PUTTY CLI-cmd
>>>Download VNCviewer for Windows:
>>>unzip to your desktop or C-drive //no installation needed
>>>run VNCviewer
>>>enter your IP and press enter
>>>Username:pi //default user name
>>>Password:raspberry //default password
Now Your inside RaspberryPi Desktop
First we will FULLY update the Raspberry:
>>>Open Terminal=CLI-cmd and type:
The Raspberry installation is finnish.
Next we install Gekko:
*/This is from User: rick_rolled thanks again ;-)
>>>open VNC=raspi desktop
>>>open Terminal (CLI-cmd) //From nnow on we have a CLI in the raspi Desktop. PUTTY CLI not needed enymore.
This is it.
(((((NOTICE))))) the Password must be changed now because of enybody knows the Default Password:
>>>On Raspi Desktop top left, click on the fruit symbole.
>>>>>>>System (Tab)
>>>>>>>[Change Password]
Hope this helps.
Thanks: rick_rolled, Alexander Baran-Harper, AskMike, tommiehansen
I try askMikes Hint for Tip:
BTC 392hHafnMmHS8JWT6yDjdsX6mtEhQvTAq8
ETH 0x01d1897cE56347D936B9d8aceb422D8D2C958401
(i recomend buying a highspeed SDHC SDcard that makes raspi boot much faster)
>>>Download Raspbian (faster install than noobs):
//Raspbian Stretch with Desktop ZIP/torrent
>>>Unzip using 7zip (recomended):
//Download freeware
>>>Unzip your .img file using 7zip //goto /user/downloads/
>>>Prepare your SDHC card with SdCardFormatter:
//Download freeware
>>>Lounch SdCardFormatter and format SDHC-card //(((((WARNING))))) SELECT APPROPRIATE DRIVE!!!
>>>burn the Image onto your SDHC using Win32DiskImager:
//Download freeware Win32DiskImager
>>>Lounch Win32DiskImager
>>>>>>>(((((WARNING))))) under device tab your SDHC location MUST BE SELECTED (drive E

>>>>>>>click the small folder icon on top and SELECT YOUR RASPBIAN IMAGEFILE.
>>>>>>>click [WRITE] //wait until finished. Installation of Raspbian is done.
>>>Now we initiate the pi for lan/Wlan ssh connection:
>>>Open NOTEPAD (windows click start, write notepad and press enter to start notepad)
>>>SAVE AS: //click tab [file] [save as] (no text needed)
>>>>>>>Location: //select your RaspberryPi Folder ON THE SDHC
>>>>>>>File name: "ssh" //type: "ssh" WITH quotation mark!
>>>>>>>Save as type: All files >>> click SAVE
(((((WARNING))))) ALWAYS USE "SAVELY REMOVE HARDWARE" from your windows taskbar right side.
>>>Insert SDHC into your RaspberryPi WHILE POWER OFF.
>>>PowerON your RaspberryPi and dont touch for aprox. 2 minutes.
>>>First we search our Network for find out the IP-adress, wich the DNS-server has choosen for for the Pi.
>>>i am using: ios netAnalyzer (neat tool)
//Download freeware
>>>Search for the IP address with name raspberry
>>>for the configuration we use PUTTY CLI-cmd (CLI=comand line interface)
//Download freeware
>>>Lounch PUTTY
>>>Enter your IP in the Field: Host Name (or IP address) //(192,133,1,75=FALSE) (
>>>Click open enters the CLI-cmd
>>>login as:pi //default user name
>>>password:raspberry //default password
// CLI should look like this
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
>>>time for configuration: type
sudo raspi-config
//with the cursors select: //initiate SDHC size
[7 Advanced Options] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
>>>choose: [Expand Filesystem] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
//with the cursors select: //boot into desktop OS
[3 Boot Options] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
[B1 Desktop / CLI] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
[B4 Desktop Autologin] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
//with the cursors select: //Enable VNC
[5 Interfacing Options] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
[P3 VNC] //now cursor-right/left UNTIL <Select> is selected-->press enter
//close the config:
cursor-right/left UNTIL <Finish> is selected-->press enter
Like to REBOOT? select [YES]
>>>close PUTTY CLI-cmd
>>>after reboot open PUTTY CLI-cmd
>>>configure the display options for VNC: //by editing the nano config text file
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
//use cursor up/down to navigate BELOW #hdmi_mode=1
# uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)
hdmi_ignore_edid=5000080 //INSERT LINE AND ADD THIS TEXT
hdmi_mode=85 //INSERT LINE AND ADD THIS TEXT //this will set the display Resolution @60Hz
//85=1280x720; 16=1024x768; 77=2560x1600
#uncomment to force a hdmi mode rather than........
>>>finish Config press:
[ctrl] + [X] //exit
[Y] = Yes //do you want to save the file
[enter] //File Name to write? //dont rename just hit enter!
//Reboot again
sudo reboot
>>>close PUTTY CLI-cmd
>>>Download VNCviewer for Windows:
>>>unzip to your desktop or C-drive //no installation needed
>>>run VNCviewer
>>>enter your IP and press enter
>>>Username:pi //default user name
>>>Password:raspberry //default password
Now Your inside RaspberryPi Desktop
First we will FULLY update the Raspberry:
>>>Open Terminal=CLI-cmd and type:
sudo apt-get update //Raspbian will fetch the Updates
sudo apt-get upgrade //Raspbian will apply the Updates //wait patient!
The Raspberry installation is finnish.
Next we install Gekko:
*/This is from User: rick_rolled thanks again ;-)
>>>open VNC=raspi desktop
>>>open Terminal (CLI-cmd) //From nnow on we have a CLI in the raspi Desktop. PUTTY CLI not needed enymore.
//Install nodejs and npm (https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewt...p?t=141770)
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo bash -
// 6.x is latest verstion, but should be replaced by current version if available
sudo apt-get install nodejs -y
//Install git
sudo apt-get install git
//Install gekko
git clone git://github.com/askmike/gekko.git
cd gekko
//Install gekko dependencies //wait patient>>>dont touch until complete!
npm install --only=production
//Install Tulip indicators
npm install tulind --only=production //@rick_rolled just the tulip indicators were missing
//Start gekko
node gekko --ui (must be in ~/gekko) OR node /filepath/gekko --ui
This is it.
(((((NOTICE))))) the Password must be changed now because of enybody knows the Default Password:
>>>On Raspi Desktop top left, click on the fruit symbole.
>>>>>>>System (Tab)
>>>>>>>[Change Password]
Hope this helps.
Thanks: rick_rolled, Alexander Baran-Harper, AskMike, tommiehansen
I try askMikes Hint for Tip:
BTC 392hHafnMmHS8JWT6yDjdsX6mtEhQvTAq8
ETH 0x01d1897cE56347D936B9d8aceb422D8D2C958401