Understanding TradeBot & Watcher Logs
DEBUG logs are just simply logs that Gekko keeps about when certain things happen, you can ignore them but if something ever goes wrong (the bot crashes, behaves strange, etc) these debug logs can help to figure out what is happening and why certain things were done.

Quote:What does "Processing 1 new trade" means ? Although, logs says this I am not able to see any trade on my tradebot.

These are not your trades but other people's trades! Gekko works by monitoring the "price", but the price is simply the rate for which other people are trading. So whenever it is "processing trades" it means that other people have been buying and selling and Gekko needs to calculate the new price (or candles to be more precise).

Quote:How can I see logs in details ? For example, My Params says Buy, But Binance return error, etc?

I'm not quite sure what you mean but: Gekko will only buy or sell after your strategy gave a signal. And whenever you strategy gives a signal it shows up in your tradebot log. So as long as you don't see anything there Gekko is calculating the price and passing it to your strategy, while waiting on your strategy to give a signal.

EDIT: I see that you are live trading on POWR/BTC, I am not familiar with that market but keep in mind that if it's not a big market (volume and liquidity) it will be hard to make money there with Gekko. I've made a youtube video that explains this concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0yc1sonYvo

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RE: Understanding TradeBot & Watcher Logs - by askmike - 10-18-2018, 04:57 AM

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