Looking for simple buy/sell at certain amount strategy
just found out this:

// Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/impera...IXPRICE.js
// Downloaded from: https://github.com/xFFFFF/Gekko-Strategies
// helpers
var _ = require('lodash');
var log = require('../core/log.js');

// configuration
var config = require('../core/util.js').getConfig();
var settings = config.FIXPRICE;

// let's create our own method
var method = {};

// prepare everything our method needs
method.init = function() {
this.name = 'FIXPRICE';

this.requiredHistory = 0;

if (settings.exit === undefined) {
settings.exit = -1;

log.debug('New FIXPRICE', settings);

// what happens on every new candle?
method.update = function(candle) {
// nothing!

// for debugging purposes: log the last calculated
// EMAs and diff.
method.log = function() {


method.check = function(candle) {
var price = candle.close;

var message = '@' + price.toFixed(5) + ' (long:' + settings.long.toFixed(5) + ' short: '+ settings.short.toFixed(5) +')';
if(price <= settings.exit) {

} else if(price <= settings.long) {
//log.debug('long', message);

if(this.currentTrend !== 'up') {
this.currentTrend = 'up';
log.debug('long advice', message);
} else

} else if(price >= settings.short) {
//log.debug('short', message);

if(this.currentTrend !== 'down') {
this.currentTrend = 'down';
log.debug('short advice', message);
} else

} else {
log.debug('we are currently not in a long or short advice', message);

module.exports = method;

could be working. i tested but stop loss doesn't work (exit variable)
anyone can help?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for simple buy/sell at certain amount strategy - by Fez - 08-24-2018, 02:29 PM

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