Gekko UI message when import fails and Date Range constraints
I'm adding a new market and its importer poses a new challenge for Gekko UI because it supports max. 30 days of trade history and fails if anything older is requested.
Users can enter anything as their Date From and then they'll wonder why it's not working. Can we fix it?

i.e., I'd like to support custom error messages like "You've entered Date From that's unsupported (too old). Please import max. 30 days of trade history." in Gekko UI and display a modal.

It'd be great to also support an optional parameter in exchange capabilities that will limit Date From in Gekko UI.

As a volunteer, If I contribute a pull request that adds "maxTradeHistory" into exchange capabilities and support for errors to be displayed in Gekko UI, will it get accepted?

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Gekko UI message when import fails and Date Range constraints - by mybigdata - 02-08-2018, 07:50 AM

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