12-17-2024, 10:22 AM
The Impact of Improper E-Waste Disposal on Human Health
Mismanagement of e waste is becoming alarming in the globe as it has multiple impacts on the environment and health runes. Electronic products have prohibited materials such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, that are dangerous to human health and the environment. Lack of disposal practices leads to further pollution affecting the workers, people in the community and wildlife. Programs from Techazar are complemented by other responsible e-waste recycling India that is developing efficient programs to solve these problems. Focusing on waste management projects and environmental options, different companies and communities can perfect life with less influence on the environment and human’s health, so people can have a better future without pollution.
Mismanagement of e waste is becoming alarming in the globe as it has multiple impacts on the environment and health runes. Electronic products have prohibited materials such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, that are dangerous to human health and the environment. Lack of disposal practices leads to further pollution affecting the workers, people in the community and wildlife. Programs from Techazar are complemented by other responsible e-waste recycling India that is developing efficient programs to solve these problems. Focusing on waste management projects and environmental options, different companies and communities can perfect life with less influence on the environment and human’s health, so people can have a better future without pollution.