Insurance claim ebay engine questions
OK, I decided that rather than completely rebuilding my 7.3, I would just purchase a "low" mileage engine off ebay. I chose a large diesel specialist recycler and found one with only 142K. However it was in BC, Canada, fine I can wait....

Well it got here and after unpacking, attaching to my engine stand, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning I began to strip it. I have found several things that make me doubt the seller's mileage claim and need opinions. I do have in writing that the compression's were: "All of them were within 5lb or 2%. Range low 380 and high 385". Unfortunately, it was too difficult to rig a starter to my engine stand and test those numbers before I actually get it into my F250 XLT (and then it's too late [img][/img] ) So here are the things on this engine that don't make sense for a 2002 with only 142K.

First, the amount and depth of rust. I don't know what they put on their roads in BC but this is MUCH worse than my '99 with 250K!!

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Insurance claim ebay engine questions - by Kligan - 08-29-2021, 11:29 AM

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