Error at installing on Raspberry Pi
I have pm2 & gekko running on a headless RPi3; however, I haven't done anything beyond importing data and setting up API. Here are the steps I took, I actually wrote them down in case I had to redo it all. I am using latest Raspbian lite installed from an img using etcher. Also, I ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade immediately. Hope what follow helps. Sorry for poor formatting, copy/paste from evernote caused problems.

  1. Install nodejs and npm (
    1. curl -sL | sudo bash -
      1. 6.x is latest verstion, but should be replaced by current version if available
    2. sudo apt-get install nodejs -y
  2. Install git
    1. sudo apt-get install git
  3. Install gekko
    1. git clone git://
    2. cd gekko
  1. Install gekko dependencies
    1. npm install --only=production
  2. Start gekko 
    1. node gekko --ui  (must be in ~/gekko) OR node /filepath/gekko --ui (from anywhere)
If you want to use pm2, do following BEFORE starting gekko, but after everything else:

  1. Install pm2
    1. sudo npm install pm2@latest -g
  2. Run gekko (from ~/gekko)
    1. pm2 start /file path to folder/gekko -- --ui   (the first -- sends next option to app.js)
  3. Run pm2 at startup
    1. pm2 startup
  4. Save process incase of restart
    1. pm2 save

Messages In This Thread
RE: Error at installing on Raspberry Pi - by rick_rolled - 01-14-2018, 12:35 PM

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