Limit/Market Trades
Maybe I am facing a similar issue right now - working on exchange code for the new gekko broker.

The portfolio is saying 200 MTC (Docademic) tokens, Gekko then gets an advice to go short and is placing an order with 100 MTC. Is this part of the sticky order strategy or is something else going wrong? However, this order gets never fulfilled or changed by gekko later. Will try to debug. Is there any plugin available to read keystrokes in CLI mode to fire certain events? As a workaround, I extended the telegrambot now to get some Gekko control during CLI runtime...

The output was:

2018-07-10 08:25:54 (INFO): Trader Received advice to go short. Selling MTC
ask 0.214313 bid 0.210347
[ccxt-hitbtc2] (getTicker) ask 0.214313 bid 0.210347
2018-07-10 08:25:55 (INFO): Send advice via email.
[ccxt-hitbtc2] (getPortfolio) portfolio: [ { name: 'MTC', amount: 200 },
{ name: 'USDT', amount: 11.047655 } ]
2018-07-10 08:25:59 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: SUBMITTED
[ccxt-hitbtc2] (sell) added order with txid: b69e6439e86b4ddeac2f6d0a9cdf3fc0
2018-07-10 08:25:59 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
[ccxt-hitbtc2] (checkOrder) result { id: 'b69e6439e86b4ddeac2f6d0a9cdf3fc0',
timestamp: 1531203959770,
datetime: '2018-07-10T06:25:59.770Z',
lastTradeTimestamp: 1531203959770,
status: 'open',
symbol: 'MTC/USDT',
type: 'limit',
side: 'sell',
price: 0.214313,
amount: 100,
cost: 0,
filled: 0,
remaining: 100,
fee: undefined,
{ id: 40930118235,
clientOrderId: 'b69e6439e86b4ddeac2f6d0a9cdf3fc0',
symbol: 'MTCUSD',
side: 'sell',
status: 'new',
type: 'limit',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
quantity: '100',
price: '0.214313',
cumQuantity: '0',
createdAt: '2018-07-10T06:25:59.770Z',
updatedAt: '2018-07-10T06:25:59.770Z' } }
2018-07-10 08:26:01 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: REJECTED
2018-07-10 08:26:01 (INFO): [ORDER] summary: { price: 0,
amount: 0,
date: moment("1970-01-01T01:00:00.000"),
side: 'sell',
orders: 1 }
2018-07-10 08:26:01 (DEBUG): syncing portfolio
ask 0.214311 bid 0.210347
[ccxt-hitbtc2] (getTicker) ask 0.214311 bid 0.210347
[ccxt-hitbtc2] (getPortfolio) portfolio: [ { name: 'MTC', amount: 100 },
{ name: 'USDT', amount: 11.047655 } ]
2018-07-10 08:26:06 (DEBUG): WARNING: exchange did not provide fee information, assuming no fees..
2018-07-10 08:26:14 (DEBUG): Requested MTC/USDT trade data from hitbtc2 ...
2018-07-10 08:26:14 (DEBUG): Processing 2 new trades. From 2018-07-10 06:25:54 UTC to 2018-07-10 06:25:55 UTC. (a few seconds). Last price: 0.210347
2018-07-10 08:26:34 (DEBUG): Requested MTC/USDT trade data from hitbtc2 ...
2018-07-10 08:26:34 (DEBUG): No new trades.

Hope to finish the hitbtc exchange soon, the debugging needs prevent me to sell this dropping coin manually, ouchhh ;-)

Messages In This Thread
Limit/Market Trades - by mr.davis - 07-11-2018, 10:52 AM
RE: Limit/Market Trades - by askmike - 07-12-2018, 05:09 AM
RE: Limit/Market Trades - by mr.davis - 07-12-2018, 08:49 AM
RE: Limit/Market Trades - by mark.sch - 07-12-2018, 09:47 AM
RE: Limit/Market Trades - by askmike - 07-12-2018, 11:16 AM
RE: Limit/Market Trades - by askmike - 07-13-2018, 08:32 AM

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