Docker (mac) new strategies
Hi everybody,
i have installed the latest version 0.61 of gekko in a docker container on mac, using localhost on port 3000

I wanted to test new strategies and i moved the ".js" file into strategies folder and ".toml" file into config/strategies folder.

i just reload the browser and it doesn't work, i cannot see the new strategies.

How to reload gekko in a docker container?

i tried:
docker exec "image file" node gekko --ui

it doesn't work

I hope somebody can help

Messages In This Thread
Docker (mac) new strategies - by chico - 07-08-2018, 12:40 PM
RE: Docker (mac) new strategies - by askmike - 07-08-2018, 03:10 PM
RE: Docker (mac) new strategies - by chico - 07-08-2018, 03:48 PM
RE: Docker (mac) new strategies - by chico - 07-09-2018, 02:42 AM
RE: Docker (mac) new strategies - by wilson - 10-12-2018, 08:44 AM

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