BacktestTool - batch backtest, import and strategy parameters optimalization
Sorry another question, didn't want to kep tacking on to the last. Are these 2 separate steps?

Binaries: Easiest install way

Download latest version from repository's releases.
Extract downloaded zip.
Copy all extrated files to main Gekko's directory.

Open Source: Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint

Clone git
Copy files to Gekko's main directory
Install dependies:
$ sudo cpan install Parallel::ForkManager Time::Elapsed Getopt::Long List::MoreUtils File::chdir Statistics::Basic DBI DBD::SQLite JSON::XS TOML File::Basename File::Find::Wanted Template LWP::UserAgent LWP:Tonguerotocol::https Set::CrossProduct DBD::CSV Text::Table File::Copy

If so, how do I get the binaries onto a server, or does this happen when I do the clone git in the second step. thanks

Messages In This Thread
RE: Gekko backtest tool - by PapoKarlo - 03-20-2018, 05:39 PM
RE: Gekko backtest tool - by CryptoCoeus - 09-22-2018, 02:08 PM
RE: BacktestTool - batch backtest, import and strategy parameters optimalization - by whoodat - 05-20-2018, 08:37 PM
0.00 Profit - by danibeni81 - 08-19-2018, 07:55 PM

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