Acceptable Sharpe Ratio for live trading?
Newbie question...

After running GekoWarez's GA to back test and get a good configuration for a nice profit, can someone recommend an acceptable Sharpe Ratio for using the config for live testing?

I know the closer to 0 or higher the ratio, the less risk, but I'm just curios if anyone is actually seeing any success in live trading after seeing a strat back test as well as some of the stuff I'm seeing, like 400% profit in a three month span.    I don't expect those kinds of results in live trading, but if the Sharpe Ratio is say -0.2 is that too much risk when the test results are so great?

I have three live trade bots running against different exchange accounts right  now, but only for a few days which is not long enough to see anything positive.

Wondering if the risk factor is too high...


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Acceptable Sharpe Ratio for live trading? - by bojim - 04-15-2018, 03:31 AM

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