Does Gekko poll the exchange more than once per minute?
Nice one werkkrew,

I have since delved into the code and saw the tick-rate and thought that that would be the case. Many thanks for the fast response though.

Something that I have noticed is that when paper trading, the 'buy' price seems to accurately take the closing price of the candle at the time the buy goes through, but the sell seems to not be the case. The sell price is quite out in some cases, and always lower than it should be. Do you know why this is the case, and is it a bug, or just the way the paper trader works as I assume that when trading for real, it will actually get a price that is close to the current price based upon the order book?

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RE: Does Gekko poll the exchange more than once per minute? - by redquicksilver - 01-08-2018, 05:34 PM

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