Need help with trading bot functionality
For a really simple stoploss you could do something like below:

// req's
var log = require('../core/log.js'),
config = require('../core/util.js').getConfig();

// create method
var method = {
    /* INIT */
    init: function()
    { = 'Double TEMA';
        // state, current trend

        // yes
        this.requiredHistory = config.tradingAdvisor.historySize;
        /* TEMP: add programmatically */
        this.settings.stoploss = -10; // %
        this.settings.TEMA_long = 200; // /4 = 4 hour candle
        this.settings.TEMA_short = 50;
        // add params    
        this.addTulipIndicator('maSlow', 'tema', { optInTimePeriod: this.settings.TEMA_long });
        this.addTulipIndicator('maFast', 'tema', { optInTimePeriod: this.settings.TEMA_short });
    }, // init()
    /* RESET TREND */
    resetTrend: function()
        var trend = {
            duration: 0,
            direction: 'none',
            longPos: false,
        this.trend = trend;
    /* STOPLOSS */
    stoploss: function( maxDiff, cur, old )
        let diff = ((cur/old)-1) * 100;
            diff = diff.toFixed(2),
            ret = false;
        if( maxDiff >= diff )
            ret = true;
            let str = 'Stoploss hit! Stoploss @ ' + maxDiff + '% Current diff: ' + diff + '%';
        return ret;
    /* CHECK */
    check: function( candle )
        // fetch indicators
        let ti = this.tulipIndicators;
        let maFast = ti.maFast.result.result,
            maSlow = ti.maSlow.result.result;
        // base rules
        let goLong, goShort;
        goLong = maFast > maSlow ? true : false;
        goShort = maFast < maSlow ? true : false;
        // stoploss (if a long pos has been taken)
        if( this.trend.longPos )
            // check
            let stop = this.stoploss( this.settings.stoploss, candle.close, this.trend.longPos );
            // if true act on it
            if( stop ){
                goLong = false;
                goShort = true;
                this.trend.direction = 'none';
        // LONG
        if( goLong )
            // new trend? (only act on new trends)
            if (this.trend.direction !== 'up')
                this.resetTrend(); // reset
                this.trend.direction = 'up';
                this.trend.longPos = candle.close; // set long position
                this.advice('long'); // go long        
            } // !== 'up'
            //log.debug ('Pos trend', this.trend.duration, 'candle(s)');
        // SHORT
        else if( goShort )
            // new trend?
            if( this.trend.direction !== 'down' )
                this.resetTrend(); // reset
                this.trend.direction = 'down';
            } // !== 'down'
            //log.debug ('Downtrend since ', this.trend.duration, 'candle(s)');
            //log.debug('In no trend');
    } // check()
}; // method {}

module.exports = method;

Note that this is just an example. It could ofc be improved upon e.g. we could skip X amount of candles for the stoploss check etc or begin doing stuff such as having 5 min candles but 
doing long/short on 2x candles (which would equal 10 minutes) in order to have a stoploss that checks each 5 min candle and a strategy that works on 10 min candles.

Do note that this isn't a 'true' stoploss since candle resolution (time e.g. 10 minutes) will affect the stoploss since the strategy will not be aware of anything that happens in-between candles. In order for it to know such things you would need to use the minimum resolution available (which would be 1 minute in Gekko) and then use some other value for the strategy itself like i write about above. Actually that's pretty interesting so might write something that does it but does it inline (so it doesn't require 1 billion dependencies).

Your ability to write code is the limit.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Need help with trading bot functionality - by tommiehansen - 02-13-2018, 09:52 AM

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