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Error compiling gekko bot please help!!!!!! - Printable Version

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Error compiling gekko bot please help!!!!!! - kirillkiselev82 - 11-23-2019

While trying to compile gekko bot under manjaro linux I the error I get please any suggestion?

RE: Error compiling gekko bot please help!!!!!! - jcfm - 12-14-2019

I had similar issues, I would recommend using a different linux or using the docker method if not possible.

Some distros cause issues for various reasons so if you can also try the following:

npm uninstall sqlite3
npm cache clean
sudo npm install sqlite3

Credit and more things to try:

For reference I have gekko running on Ubuntu Server 19.10 with no problems

RE: Error compiling gekko bot please help!!!!!! - johnalen - 11-05-2020

I had comparable issues, I would suggest employing a distinctive linux or utilizing the docker strategy in the event that not possible. Some distros cause issues for various reasons so in case you'll too attempt the taking after: