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How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - Printable Version

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How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - ankasem - 04-04-2018

hi all

- Rsi-Bull-bear command line (cli) mod how to operate with

  Config.jsRsi-Bull-bear )how to write strategy

thank you

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
     sample config.js


RE: How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - xFFFFF - 04-05-2018

Toml for RSI BB ADX TomTom strat:
SMA_long = 1000
SMA_short = 50

BULL_RSI_high = 80
BULL_RSI_low = 60
BEAR_RSI_high = 50
BEAR_RSI_low = 20

# MODIFY RSI (depending on ADX)
BULL_MOD_high = 5
BULL_MOD_low = -5
BEAR_MOD_high = 15
BEAR_MOD_low = -5

ADX = 3
ADX_high = 70
ADX_low = 50
Paste here:
Its json from gekko cli:
config.RBB = {
  "SMA_long": 1000,
  "SMA_short": 50,
  "BULL_RSI": 10,
  "BULL_RSI_high": 80,
  "BULL_RSI_low": 60,
  "BEAR_RSI": 15,
  "BEAR_RSI_high": 50,
  "BEAR_RSI_low": 20,
  "BULL_MOD_high": 5,
  "BULL_MOD_low": -5,
  "BEAR_MOD_high": 15,
  "BEAR_MOD_low": -5,
  "ADX": 3,
  "ADX_high": 70,
  "ADX_low": 50
Paste to config.js
// Everything is explained here:
// @link

var config = {};

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                          GENERAL SETTINGS
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

config.debug = true; // for additional logging / debugging

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                         WATCHING A MARKET
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = {

  // see
  exchange: 'poloniex',
  currency: 'USDT',
  asset: 'BTC',

  // You can set your own tickrate (refresh rate).
  // If you don't set it, the defaults are 2 sec for
  // okcoin and 20 sec for all other exchanges.
  // tickrate: 20

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                       CONFIGURING TRADING ADVICE
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

config.tradingAdvisor = {
  enabled: true,
  method: 'MACD',
  candleSize: 60,
  historySize: 10,

// Exponential Moving Averages settings:
config.DEMA = {
  // EMA weight (α)
  // the higher the weight, the more smooth (and delayed) the line
  weight: 21,
  // amount of candles to remember and base initial EMAs on
  // the difference between the EMAs (to act as triggers)
  thresholds: {
    down: -0.025,
    up: 0.025

// MACD settings:
config.MACD = {
  // EMA weight (α)
  // the higher the weight, the more smooth (and delayed) the line
  short: 10,
  long: 21,
  signal: 9,
  // the difference between the EMAs (to act as triggers)
  thresholds: {
    down: -0.025,
    up: 0.025,
    // How many candle intervals should a trend persist
    // before we consider it real?
    persistence: 1

// PPO settings:
config.PPO = {
  // EMA weight (α)
  // the higher the weight, the more smooth (and delayed) the line
  short: 12,
  long: 26,
  signal: 9,
  // the difference between the EMAs (to act as triggers)
  thresholds: {
    down: -0.025,
    up: 0.025,
    // How many candle intervals should a trend persist
    // before we consider it real?
    persistence: 2

config.RBB = {
  "SMA_long": 1000,
  "SMA_short": 50,
  "BULL_RSI": 10,
  "BULL_RSI_high": 80,
  "BULL_RSI_low": 60,
  "BEAR_RSI": 15,
  "BEAR_RSI_high": 50,
  "BEAR_RSI_low": 20,
  "BULL_MOD_high": 5,
  "BULL_MOD_low": -5,
  "BEAR_MOD_high": 15,
  "BEAR_MOD_low": -5,
  "ADX": 3,
  "ADX_high": 70,
  "ADX_low": 50

// Uses one of the momentum indicators but adjusts the thresholds when PPO is bullish or bearish
// Uses settings from the ppo and momentum indicator config block
config.varPPO = {
  momentum: 'TSI', // RSI, TSI or UO
  thresholds: {
    // new threshold is default threshold + PPOhist * PPOweight
    weightLow: 120,
    weightHigh: -120,
    // How many candle intervals should a trend persist
    // before we consider it real?
    persistence: 0

// RSI settings:
config.RSI = {
  interval: 14,
  thresholds: {
    low: 30,
    high: 70,
    // How many candle intervals should a trend persist
    // before we consider it real?
    persistence: 1

// TSI settings:
config.TSI = {
  short: 13,
  long: 25,
  thresholds: {
    low: -25,
    high: 25,
    // How many candle intervals should a trend persist
    // before we consider it real?
    persistence: 1

// Ultimate Oscillator Settings
config.UO = {
  first: {weight: 4, period: 7},
  second: {weight: 2, period: 14},
  third: {weight: 1, period: 28},
  thresholds: {
    low: 30,
    high: 70,
    // How many candle intervals should a trend persist
    // before we consider it real?
    persistence: 1

// CCI Settings
config.CCI = {
    constant: 0.015, // constant multiplier. 0.015 gets to around 70% fit
    history: 90, // history size, make same or smaller than history
    thresholds: {
        up: 100, // fixed values for overbuy upward trajectory
        down: -100, // fixed value for downward trajectory
        persistence: 0 // filter spikes by adding extra filters candles

// StochRSI settings
config.StochRSI = {
  interval: 3,
  thresholds: {
    low: 20,
    high: 80,
    // How many candle intervals should a trend persist
    // before we consider it real?
    persistence: 3

// custom settings:
config.custom = {
  my_custom_setting: 10,

config['talib-macd'] = {
  parameters: {
    optInFastPeriod: 10,
    optInSlowPeriod: 21,
    optInSignalPeriod: 9
  thresholds: {
    down: -0.025,
    up: 0.025,

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                       CONFIGURING PLUGINS
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

// do you want Gekko to simulate the profit of the strategy's own advice?
config.paperTrader = {
  enabled: true,
  // report the profit in the currency or the asset?
  reportInCurrency: true,
  // start balance, on what the current balance is compared with
  simulationBalance: {
    // these are in the unit types configured in the watcher.
    asset: 1,
    currency: 100,
  // how much fee in % does each trade cost?
  feeMaker: 0.15,
  feeTaker: 0.25,
  feeUsing: 'maker',
  // how much slippage/spread should Gekko assume per trade?
  slippage: 0.05,

config.performanceAnalyzer = {
  enabled: true,
  riskFreeReturn: 5

// Want Gekko to perform real trades on buy or sell advice?
// Enabling this will activate trades for the market being
// watched by ``.
config.trader = {
  enabled: false,
  key: '',
  secret: '',
  username: '', // your username, only required for specific exchanges.
  passphrase: '', // GDAX, requires a passphrase.
  orderUpdateDelay: 1, // Number of minutes to adjust unfilled order prices

config.adviceLogger = {
  enabled: false,
  muteSoft: true // disable advice printout if it's soft

config.pushover = {
  enabled: false,
  sendPushoverOnStart: false,
  muteSoft: true, // disable advice printout if it's soft
  tag: '[GEKKO]',
  key: '',
  user: ''

// want Gekko to send a mail on buy or sell advice?
config.mailer = {
  enabled: false,       // Send Emails if true, false to turn off
  sendMailOnStart: true,    // Send 'Gekko starting' message if true, not if false

  email: '',    // Your Gmail address
  muteSoft: true, // disable advice printout if it's soft

  // You don't have to set your password here, if you leave it blank we will ask it
  // when Gekko's starts.
  // NOTE: Gekko is an open source project < >,
  // make sure you looked at the code or trust the maintainer of this bot when you
  // fill in your email and password.
  // WARNING: If you have NOT downloaded Gekko from the github page above we CANNOT
  // guarantuee that your email address & password are safe!

  password: '',       // Your Gmail Password - if not supplied Gekko will prompt on startup.

  tag: '[GEKKO] ',      // Prefix all email subject lines with this

            //       ADVANCED MAIL SETTINGS
            // you can leave those as is if you
            // just want to use Gmail

  server: '',   // The name of YOUR outbound (SMTP) mail server.
  smtpauth: true,     // Does SMTP server require authentication (true for Gmail)
          // The following 3 values default to the Email (above) if left blank
  user: '',       // Your Email server user name - usually your full Email address ''
  from: '',       // ''
  to: '',       // ','
  ssl: true,        // Use SSL (true for Gmail)
  port: '',       // Set if you don't want to use the default port

config.pushbullet = {
    // sends pushbullets if true
  enabled: false,
    // Send 'Gekko starting' message if true
  sendMessageOnStart: true,
    // disable advice printout if it's soft
  muteSoft: true,
    // your pushbullet API key
  key: 'xxx',
    // your email, change it unless you are Azor Ahai
  email: '',
    // will make Gekko messages start mit [GEKKO]
  tag: '[GEKKO]'

config.kodi = {
  // if you have a username & pass, add it like below
  // http://user:pass@ip-or-hostname:8080/jsonrpc
  host: 'http://ip-or-hostname:8080/jsonrpc',
  enabled: false,
  sendMessageOnStart: true,

config.ircbot = {
  enabled: false,
  emitUpdates: false,
  muteSoft: true,
  channel: '#your-channel',
  server: '',
  botName: 'gekkobot'

config.telegrambot = {
  enabled: false,

config.twitter = {
    // sends pushbullets if true
  enabled: false,
    // Send 'Gekko starting' message if true
  sendMessageOnStart: false,
    // disable advice printout if it's soft
  muteSoft: false,
  tag: '[GEKKO]',
    // twitter consumer key
  consumer_key: '',
    // twitter consumer secret
  consumer_secret: '',
    // twitter access token key
  access_token_key: '',
    // twitter access token secret
  access_token_secret: ''

config.xmppbot = {
  enabled: false,
  emitUpdates: false,
  client_id: 'jabber_id',
  client_pwd: 'jabber_pw',
  client_host: 'jabber_server',
  client_port: 5222,
  status_msg: 'I\'m online',
  receiver: 'jabber_id_for_updates'

config.campfire = {
  enabled: false,
  emitUpdates: false,
  nickname: 'Gordon',
  roomId: null,
  apiKey: '',
  account: ''

config.redisBeacon = {
  enabled: false,
  port: 6379, // redis default
  host: '', // localhost
    // On default Gekko broadcasts
    // events in the channel with
    // the name of the event, set
    // an optional prefix to the
    // channel name.
  channelPrefix: '',
  broadcast: [

config.slack = {
  enabled: false,
  token: '',
  sendMessageOnStart: true,
  muteSoft: true,
  channel: '' // #tradebot

config.ifttt = {
  enabled: false,
  eventName: 'gekko',
  makerKey: '',
  muteSoft: true,
  sendMessageOnStart: true

config.candleWriter = {
  enabled: false

config.adviceWriter = {
  enabled: false,
  muteSoft: true,

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                       CONFIGURING ADAPTER
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

config.adapter = 'sqlite';

config.sqlite = {
  path: 'plugins/sqlite',

  dataDirectory: 'history',
  version: 0.1,

  journalMode: require('./web/isWindows.js') ? 'DELETE' : 'WAL',

  dependencies: []

  // Postgres adapter example config (please note: requires postgres >= 9.5):
config.postgresql = {
  path: 'plugins/postgresql',
  version: 0.1,
  connectionString: 'postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432', // if default port
  database: null, // if set, we'll put all tables into a single database.
  schema: 'public',
  dependencies: [{
    module: 'pg',
    version: '6.1.0'

// Mongodb adapter, requires mongodb >= 3.3 (no version earlier tested)
config.mongodb = {
  path: 'plugins/mongodb',
  version: 0.1,
  connectionString: 'mongodb://mongodb/gekko', // connection to mongodb server
  dependencies: [{
    module: 'mongojs',
    version: '2.4.0'

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                       CONFIGURING BACKTESTING
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

// Note that these settings are only used in backtesting mode, see here:
// @link:

config.backtest = {
  daterange: 'scan',
  batchSize: 50

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                       CONFIGURING IMPORTING
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

config.importer = {
  daterange: {
    // NOTE: these dates are in UTC
    from: "2017-11-01 00:00:00"

// set this to true if you understand that Gekko will
// invest according to how you configured the indicators.
// None of the advice in the output is Gekko telling you
// to take a certain position. Instead it is the result
// of running the indicators you configured automatically.
// In other words: Gekko automates your trading strategies,
// it doesn't advice on itself, only set to true if you truly
// understand this.
// Not sure? Read this first:
config['I understand that Gekko only automates MY OWN trading strategies'] = false;

module.exports = config;
Where I wrote config.RBB You must change RBB to Your strat filename. Propably it is "Rsi_bull_bear". Remember I paste config for RSI BB ADX.

RE: How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - ankasem - 04-05-2018

Thank you so much


Where is the xxx.json file placed


thanks xx.json file to be added to the config.js file 

thank you

RE: How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - xFFFFF - 04-05-2018

Haven't any .json file. You must convert config/strategies/RSI_BB.toml to json FORMAT, not file. And then paste code to gekko/config.js.

RE: How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - ankasem - 04-05-2018

I can not understand I'm taking your time

Where to place the json file



  "SMA_long": 1000,
  "SMA_short": 50,
  "BULL_RSI": 10,
  "BULL_RSI_high": 80,
  "BULL_RSI_low": 60,
  "BEAR_RSI": 15,
  "BEAR_RSI_high": 50,
  "BEAR_RSI_low": 20,
  "BULL_MOD_high": 5,
  "BULL_MOD_low": -5,
  "BEAR_MOD_high": 15,
  "BEAR_MOD_low": -5,
  "ADX": 3,
  "ADX_high": 70,
  "ADX_low": 50

I am confused
If you would like to send a sample with default setting (config.js)

RE: How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - xFFFFF - 04-06-2018

With config which You send all is fine. Save it file to Gekko's main folder and then:
node gekko -c  rsi-bullbear-adx-xfff-config.txt
Bot should will start and trade.

Leave JSON file alone Big Grin This file is not needed. Only run above command.

RE: How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - ankasem - 04-06-2018

Thank you so much
good work

RE: How to run Rsi-Bull-bear with command line (cli) - Araceli - 05-31-2019

(04-06-2018, 05:38 AM)ankasem Wrote: Thank you so much
good work

Haven't any .json file. You must convert config/strategies/RSI_BB.toml to json FORMAT, not file f1 hungary. And then paste code to gekko/config.js.